Reading inbox-outbox: Week of 7 September

I didn’t have a lot of time for reading this week. It was a busy week at work, and my mom is in town for a visit. Luckily, she likes to read as much as I do. So, we got in some quality reading time, and I managed to finish my library book while she finished the book she was reading (Attachments).

Inbox (books acquired)

  • The Hero and the Crown by Robin McKinley (Kindle) — This one was on my wish list and I saw that it went on sale, so I bought it. I think I added this to my wish list because I wanted to read more award-winning YA fantasy and sci-fi, and this one won the Newbery Medal. I’m looking forward to reading it, but I probably won’t get to it for a while.

Outbox (books finished)

  • Uprooted by Naomi Novik (Kindle, library) — So many people I know loved this book. Because of that, I came to it with very high expectations. And it’s good. I liked it. I just didn’t love it as much as I thought I would. I feel like the story moved a little slowly, the romantic plot was a little disappointing, and I didn’t really connect with the main character. But, the world-building was top notch and it was definitely different than anything else I’ve seen, so it gets major points for creativity. I think the problem is that, in terms of fantasy sub-genres, books about witches and wizards, unless they are paired with one of my “genre kryptonite” elements (like boarding schools), are just not really my thing.

Queue (what I’m reading next)

And that’s it for this week! Hope you are all enjoying this first week of Fall, my favorite season, the season of back-to-school and BOOKS! Yay!