Go read Ash of the Fae!

✨ Happy book birthday to Ash of the Fae, book five in the Modern Fae series! ✨

If you’re new to my series, you can grab the first book on sale right now and binge your way through contemporary fantasy stories with all your favorite tropes, like forbidden love (book 1), enemies to lovers (book 2), forced proximity (book 3), and second chance romance (book 4), to get to this fake relationship where there’s only one bed (book 5)!

As of right now, this is the last book in this series. However, I did leave a tiny door open to revisit this world in the future if folks enjoy it and want more. In the meantime, I’m going to work on finishing up and publishing some other in-progress projects. If you want to know more about what I’m working on, get cover reveals and other exclusives (like free stories and samples from my work in progress), then sign up for my newsletter. It’s like my blog, but it’s a once a month email from me delivered right to your inbox.

Happy reading!

Eve of the Fae is FREE

Taking a break from my regular content to let you know that, if you’ve ever wanted to read the first book in my Modern Fae series, the ebook is currently available for FREE on all retailers.

Quote from the book Eve of the Fae by E. Menozzi: "The wall I'd built up to resist her broke when her lips parted under mine. I knew I should push her away, but my body wouldn't obey, and my arms tugged her closer. She had no idea that she'd just exposed herself and her family to danger by letting the worst kind of predator in the front door..."

Eve didn’t believe in magic, until she fell in love with a Fae Prince!

Eve wanted a fresh start. Liam was trying to save his kin. Thrown together under the same roof as the winter solstice approaches, can this Fae prince and his mortal love stop a vengeful spirit determined to hunt the Fae to extinction?

If you love fae fantasy romance and forbidden love, grab a copy of the first book in the Modern Fae series for FREE now, and binge the series this weekend before book five comes out on Tuesday!

New Modern Fae Coming Soon…

Just a quick post to let you know that I’ve been working on a new Modern Fae novella that will be released on 25 June. You can get a copy for only 99¢ if you pre-order. You can also add it on Goodreads. And, if you want an Advanced Review Copy (ARC), there are 20 ebooks available on Booksprout.

Here’s the blurb:

Demons may be deadly, but dragons can steal your heart.

Seren was cast-out by her Elemental Fae kin because they believe that her magic is cursed. But that hasn’t stopped her from searching for a way to change the rules. So when the commander of the queen’s guard offers Seren the opportunity to do just that, she accepts, even though it means spying on the only Fae who has ever been kind to her.

Damir always wanted to visit his High Fae kin, but his responsibilities kept him close to his Dragon Fae clan and their brutal, bloodthirsty ways. When a new Alpha takes charge, killing Damir’s sire and threatening the lives of his wingmates if they don’t swear their loyalty. Damir realizes it’s time to convince his long lost High Fae kin to help, whatever the cost.

When Seren finds a lost High Fae prince wandering through the woods, she tries to warn him to keep away from her and her curse. But the Dragon Fae don’t believe in curses. As Seren tries to push him away, Damir realizes that she is exactly what he needs. Together they could find home, but only if curses can be broken and kisses from princes aren’t just the stuff of fairy tales.

Happy Book Birthday to Hunter of the Fae!

Book four in my Modern Fae series is out today!

This one is set in Seattle and features two humans who used to be (and honestly, still are) in love, but are no longer together for…reasons. One is a powerful wizard, and that’s not the only secret he’s keeping. The other has no magic, but she does have an adorable faerie guard dog with a nose for trouble. Fate (and the Queen of the Fae) has forced them back together again. If they can figure out how to trust each other, they may be able to help save the Fae from extinction.

In a war between Demons and Fae, the enemy of her enemy is…her ex-boyfriend?

If you’re interested in reading this book but worried about starting in the middle of the series, my recommended reading order is as follows:

Eve of the Fae (Book 1)
Vivian’s Promise (Prequel Novella)
Eve the Immortal
(Novella 1.5)
Dawn of the Fae
(Book 2)
Will of the Fae (Book 3)
Rogue Assassins (Novella)

You can read the first chapter of Hunter of the Fae for free over on my website. And you can get a free copy of Vivian’s Promise when you sign up for my monthly newsletter.

Happy reading!

Rogue Assassins — a FREE Modern Fae Novella

Stuck at home and looking for something to read? If you already love my Modern Fae series, or if you’ve been curious about it but haven’t quite gotten around to reading any of my books yet, this post is for you.

Growing up, I got an early introduction to serial storytelling via Days of Our Lives. I was way too young to be watching it, but my mom was a huge fan. Sometimes she let us watch along with her (but we had to close our eyes during the “sexy times”). She’d talk to my sister and I about the various plot threads and speculate on what was going to happen in the story. I think somehow this early exposure planted the idea in my head that someday I wanted to try writing a story in a serial format.

Well, friends, that day has come. I’ve been playing with this story idea for a while now, and I’m making it happen. The first episode is dropping TODAY.

I spent a lot of time (probably too much time) trying to decide how best to distribute these episodes. Since this blog is mostly about what I’m reading, I didn’t want to post episodes here. I also didn’t want to spam my mailing list with weekly episodes in case some might prefer to read the whole thing after it’s complete rather than reading a chapter a week. So, I ultimately decided to have a dedicated mailing list for this story. You can sign up for that here: http://bit.ly/RogueAssassins.

What can you expect if you sign up? Here’s what I’ve got planned:

  • One episode per week, for about 20 weeks, total
  • A fantasy adventure with some kissing
  • A heroine who will do whatever it takes to save her sister from the toxic love of a power hungry man
  • An ambitious shapeshifting hero whose future depends on the heroine’s success
  • An explanation about what was going on with that pair of gargoyles who made a brief appearance in Eve of the Fae
  • Answers about what actually happened to the Faerie Queen Godda when she disappeared
  • Much drama! Some characters will die, some will find love, all will be changed forever
  • An interactive approach to story-telling (I welcome your comments and feedback on each episode)

This is going to be as much of an adventure for me as it will be for you. I am so excited to try this! I hope you love the first episode and decide to subscribe and join me on this journey.

Oh, also… if you want to grab a copy of the first book in my series, Eve of the Fae is on sale for only $0.99 this weekend. Buy one for yourself, or for a friend, or just help me get the word out. I’d really appreciate it.

Happy Book Birthday to Will of the Fae!

Book three in my Modern Fae series is out today!

Wondering if this is a book you might like? Well, it’s a snowed-in, contemporary fantasy, with a f/f romance, set in Alaska, with humans learning magic, three factions of supernatural creatures vying for control of magic, and a complete “happily ever after” even though the plot of the series continues for at least two more books.

Want to know more? Awesome! Here’s the full cover copy:

Families are complicated. Magic can’t fix everything. And sometimes love has the worst timing.

Arabella, commander of the Faerie Queen’s Guard, Sworn to protect the Fae against all threats, would do anything for her cousins. Anything, including agreeing to give birth to a Faeling who might someday inherit the throne, even though there’s a war brewing against the demon clans and it’s her responsibility to protect the Fae.

After months of isolation, wintering over as caretaker for her family’s lodge in the Alaskan wilderness, Willow is ready to return to civilization. Just as the snows start to melt and the new caretaker is due to arrive, a string of strange occurrences and a best friend in trouble might cause her to change her plans.

When Arabella ends up on the wrong end of some Elemental blood magic and finds herself powerless and knee deep in snow, Willow discovers the Fae commander lurking in the shed at River Pines Lodge. To get home, Arabella must hide her magic, swallow her pride and ask a human for help. A human who reeks of magic but who appears completely unaware of her powers. Snowed-in and depending on each other for survival, it’s only a matter of time before secrets are revealed and hearts start to melt.

If you’re interested in checking out book three but worried about starting in the middle of the series, the first two novels and two novellas are all available for half price through the end of January. You can also request them on ebook through your local library! My recommended reading order for the series is as follows:

Eve of the Fae (Book 1)
Vivian’s Promise (Prequel Novella)
Eve the Immortal
(Book 1.5)
Dawn of the Fae
(Book 2)
Will of the Fae (Book 3)

Still need more convincing? You can read the first chapter for free over on my website. Or, you can check out this cool LGBTQ book fair and read the first three chapters when you sign up for my monthly newsletter.

Happy reading!

Happy Book Birthday to Dawn of the Fae!

Book two in my Modern Fae series is out today!

Check it out over on my website where you can read the first chapter, add it to Goodreads, and buy an ebook or paperback copy if you are so inclined.

Also, if you’re interested in watching me talk about this book, my writing process, my Camp NaNoWriMo adventures, and other writing vlog-able dispatches, I’m starting an “AuthorTube” channel over on YouTube.

If watching YouTube videos isn’t your thing, you can also sign up for my Newsletter or follow me on BookBub and/or Amazon to get book release updates.

If you’re only interested in my reading updates, stay tuned to this channel. I’ll have my June recap post up early next week. Brace yourself for some surprise new favorites.

New Modern Fae book coming soon!

I’ve been so busy with NaNoWriMo and writing book two in the Modern Fae series that I *almost* forgot to tell you about the Modern Fae prequel novella that’s coming out in three weeks! Yikes!

Here are the top five reasons you want to go pre-order this book right now:

  1. Vivian’s Promise can be read as stand-alone novella. That’s right, you don’t have to read Eve of the Fae to get what’s going on here. The two books are definitely connected, but if you haven’t read book one, yet, or if you aren’t sure you’ll like it, the prequel novella is another perfectly acceptable place to start with my series.
  2. Do you like your Fae on the creepy side? My world has both creepy Fae and more friendly Fae, but this book happens to feature a trickster Fae who is definitely on the creepy side.
  3. How about fake relationships? The two main characters in this novella (Vivian and Oscar, both humans) are strangers at the start of the story, but have to pretend to be engaged in order to survive an encounter with the Wild Hunt.
  4. Are you a fan of gruff heroes who are sensitive but not necessarily forthcoming with their emotions? If so, you’re probably going to fall in love with Oscar.
  5. How about short and spunky heroines who aren’t afraid of speaking up? Regardless of whether she’s facing off with the leader of a gang of ghosts or standing up to her parents, Vivian may be the sweet auntie in Eve of the Fae, but she’s definitely got a salty side.

Bonus reasons to grab a copy of Vivian’s Promise: it’s a short, fast, fun read, and it’s only $1.99.

Vivian’s Promise will be released on 18 December in ebook format, only (because it’s a novella). Pre-orders are up on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Kobo. Google Play and iBooks links are coming soon. You can also add it to Goodreads. And, please feel free to request the ebook from your local library.

Thanks for your support! I can’t wait to share this new release with you!